S2 E5 – Surfaces in Health Care Settings + Evidence-Based Design
This episode of Between the Lines with FGI focuses on optimizing surface materials in health care and residential care design. Cohosts John Williams and Bridget McDougall discuss the importance of surface materials in health care settings with Laurie Waggener, the Director of Research for Healthcare at Page. Laurie explains her role in ensuring evidence-based architectural processes and shares insights on the impact of surface materials on patient care, including durability, maintenance, and safety. The discussion also covers the use of UVC radiation for disinfection, the importance of consensus decisions with clients, and how the COVID-19 pandemic influenced surface testing. The conversation underscores the need for materials that balance aesthetics, functionality, and safety in health care environments.
About Laurie Waggener
Laurie Waggener, RRT, IIDA, CHID, EDAC, has a background in clinical leadership, interior design, and design research which enables her to integrate knowledge-driven design solutions for multiple service lines and highly complex clinical workplace settings. As Director of Research for Healthcare at Page, Laurie leads the firm’s efforts in applied evidence-based health care design strategies, using multiple methods to measure impact and to drive innovation. Laurie collaborates closely with clients and academia regarding methodology, best practices, and outcomes regarding crucial industry concerns. Laurie serves as a member of FGI’s Health Guidelines Revision Committee (HGRC), is a founding member of the American Academy of Healthcare Interior Designers (AAHID), and is a member of the Nursing Institute for Healthcare Design (NIHD). As an interior designer, Laurie’s project design awards included Modern Healthcare Merit of Excellence, Healthcare Symposium User Centered award, and an AIA commendation for Healthcare Interiors. As a design researcher, awards include several Center for Healthcare Design Touchstone Awards. Before entering the design industry, Laurie served as technical director for respiratory critical care in a 520-bed hospital.
Acronyms Mentioned
FGI: Facility Guidelines Institute
UV: ultraviolet
UVA: ultraviolet-A light
UVB: ultraviolet-B light
UVC: ultraviolet-C light
AHJ: authority having jurisdiction
CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
HCAHPS: Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems
Mentioned in this episode
Health Guidelines Revision Committee (HGRC)
Health Facilities Management (HFM) magazine
“Performance-based finishes: Making informed design choices based on available data”
American Academy of Healthcare Interior Designers (AAHID)
The Nursing Institute for Healthcare Design (NIHD)
Booker T. Washington
Madam Curie
Vera [Nuemann]
Patient Handling and Movement (now “Mobility”) Assessment (PHAMA)
Mary Matz
product testing
environmental services
facilities management
COVID-19 pandemic
UVC disinfection
HCAHPS (Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) Survey
Press Ganey survey
Neal Caine, Neal Caine Trio
“Skip to My Lou”
AIA self-reporting LUs
Facility Guidelines Institute is a registered provider of AIA-approved continuing education under Provider Number 38744124. All registered AIA CES Providers must comply with the AIA Standards for Continuing Education Programs. Any questions or concerns about this provider or this learning program may be sent to AIA CES (cessupport@aia.org).
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Sponsored by
American Society for Health Care Engineering (ASHE): Optimizing health care facilities
Transcript (download transcript)
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Special thanks to Neal Caine and the Neal Caine Trio for the use of his song “Skip To My Lou” by the album of the same name.
Find the album on Spotify or Apple Music.
Visit Neal Caine’s website here.